
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Running Graphics-C in windows 7 or Vista


I have seen many people struggling over this so just thought to write a small post over this. Most of the SE students are working with the C-graphics and must be finding problem because of the operating system they are using.
One of the two ways is(that i know):
1. Install Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 which is free of cost and plant MS XP in that. Dos mode works fine in XP.
2. I feel this one is better than the 1st one
Download a freeware Dos-box from here .
It's a emulator for dos ....provide a 16bit envoirment. Install the dos-box and open it.
You have to write following lines whenever you start the dos-box which opens just like a normal app.
-- Mount the drive in which you have turbo-C
For example i have turbo-C complier at location C:\tc\bin

so i write
mount c c:\
cd tc
cd bin
Have attached a pic of the same at top.

and you are done with it.
Use the Compiler as you use on a 16-bit machine.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Refining your Google Search

Ever 'Googled' something, and found that most of the links are plain useless?
Here are quick tips to refine your searches:

1. to search within a particular website (from your google home-page), type the keyword to be searched for, followed by "site: www.mysite,com", without the quotes ;) . The site, '' will be searched for the keyword.

2. searching for definitions?, type "define: word", you'll be given links to all the available definitions of the word on the web.

3. to find a phrase, enclose it within " ", and the exact phrase will be searched for.

4. type a + sign before a keyword to search for that specific word only, and not it's variations like plural or any tenses or synonyms.

5. search with a ~ (tilde) before a word, and get results for the word, and it's synonyms. "~auto" searches for both the word auto and its synonyms: truck, car, etc.

6. search for "virus -computer" to get results for virus, but not related to computer.

7. "info:" searches for information about the given site.

"related:" searches for pages related to the given site.

9. " [#]...[#] ", ([#] represents a number) searches within a range of numbers, e.g. laptop Rs.30,000...60,000 to find laptops within this range.

10. xyz * abc searches for the words xyz and abc separated by a word or two.

P.S. @
StumbleUpon it.