
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My experience with Chicken Pox

The very first thing, its ugly and smell's a lot.
Its normally observed that someone do not get Chicken Pox( giving respect, so i made 'C' and 'P' capital :P )  if he had it before. It is caused by varicella zoster virus, it resides in your body if you've had it once making your body immune with . I had Chicken Pox when i was less than one year old and second time when i am 21.

Its a contagious disease, to prove,
                                                    it started from the son of my mess aunty. From it flowed to my friend, from him to my room mate and finally to me, makes sense B-)
The very first symptom is mild fever, which you would surely ignore but its with little body ache. Fever will go down early but ache remains.
Then there would first few rashes on neck, back and in few cases like me on face directly. That would remain for a day, and helps your doctor to confirm that yes, you have joined fraternity of Chicken Pox.
As soon as you are confirmed patient of Chicken Pox you are untouchable :P
Firstly you think its cool, you are away from college for more than 10 days, will enjoy with your laptop and internet, play games and all,, but truth is you get bored first day.
I saw my room mate and friend going through the disease so i took a decision and went for my home. It was 2 days after my confirmation that i reached home, and my face was full of rashes. Finally i found, its not only my face but my back and chest too. Well it was expected so no surprise. They come into your mouth too.
Little weakness on 3rd and 4th day followed by boredom everyday. Mom din't gave me any salt and oil for more than a week, says this helps. More warmness in body make them come fast.
There is only one medicine which cuts multiplication of virus. I started taking 800mg 5 times a day. Days goes in boredom, tried to study few times but failed. When in disease you just can't concentrate on one thing.

Now its been a week, the rashes on my face have dried and no new. Have started eating better things and will be going back to college in few days.
Anyways just wanted to share with all, my experience.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Gmail Motion and Google Autocompleter: Google's April Fools prank for 2011

Gmail Motion
"The mouse and keyboard were invented before the Internet even existed," reads the introductory post. "Since then, countless technological advancements have allowed for much more efficient human computer interaction. Why then do we continue to use outdated technology?"

In true Google form, it's a bit dry. But when they break into the tutorial of an extremely sad looking man giving a double thumbs up to "reply all" on an email, we sort of lose it. 

Past Google April Fools pranks include Gmail Paper, Google Custom Time and Google Romance. 

For an intro on how to use the entirely unreal Gmail Motion, watch away!

GOOGLE  Autocompleter
Google's April Fool’s Day prank. They are looking for people interested in a job profile of Autocompleters.
The job would require you to predict what users are trying to search on Google search.
Instead of relying on machines to complete the query (Google Suggest), these autocompleters would be required to provide the hints.
And since the suggestions are to be shown instantaneously, Google is looking for people with ultra-fast thinking and typing skills.

Here is the job profile description:

Watch anonymized search queries as they come in to Google.
Predict and type completions based on your personal experience and intuition.
Suggest spelling corrections when relevant.
Keep updated with query trends and offer fresh suggestions.

Excellent knowledge of English and at least one other language.
Excellent knowledge of grammatical rules (e.g. parts of speech, parsing).
Understanding of the search engine space.
Proven web search experience.
Good typing skills (at least 32,000 WPM).
Willingness to travel (in order to provide local autocompletions) or relocate to obscure places like Nauru and Tuvalu to develop knowledge of local news and trends.
Certificate in psychic reading strongly preferred: palm, tarot, hypnosis, astrology, numerology, runes and/or auras.